October 17 - 19, 2024|Orlando, Florida
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Mat Cashman's Schedule

Principal, Investor Education
OCC/The Options Industry Council
OIC Presents “The All-Stars of Options”: Meet OIC and Its Instructors to Learn the Basics of Options
Friday, October 18, 2024, 11:30 am - 12:15 pm

For more than 30 years, OIC has been a trusted source for options education. In this opening session of the MoneyShow “All-Stars of Options” program, OIC instructors Mark Benzaquen and Mat Cashman profile the free OIC educational resources available to investors, including online courses, podcasts and webinars, and a variety of online tools. And to create a foundation for a day of options education, Mark and Mat will lay the groundwork of options fundamentals including the basics of calls and puts, an overview of options pricing, and a bird’s eye view of the exercise and assignment process. 

Generating Premium Income with Limited Risk: Too Good to Be True?
Friday, October 18, 2024, 3:55 pm - 4:40 pm

All options involve risk and selling options incurs the obligation to deliver or potentially take delivery of the underlying asset. This might be why some investors turn to credit spreads to potentially limit the embedded risk of a short options position. Join OIC instructors Mark Benzaquen and Mat Cashman as they discuss and dissect credit spreads as well as the Iron Condor and Iron Butterfly in this lively and engaging session geared towards the options seller.    

Mathless Greeks: When Metaphor Outweighs Math
Friday, October 18, 2024, 4:55 pm - 5:40 pm

Have you ever had trouble understanding the concept of option Greeks because of the math involved? If so, let’s try learning about them in a slightly different way. In this final “All-Stars of Options” session, OIC instructors Mark Benzaquen and Mat Cashman look at the Greeks through a different lens using metaphor to better understand the option Greeks as the building blocks of optionality. This is one session you won’t want to miss! 

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Mat Cashman's Profile

Mat Cashman is a financial services professional with 20 years of experience trading all segments of the derivatives market. He started his career on the trading floor of the Chicago Board of Options Exchange in 2000 and has since traded multiple asset classes across a wide array of exchanges. At OCC, Mr. Cashman is responsible for a comprehensive options resource center that provides information and education about options. In addition to his responsibilities with OCC, he also serves as an instructor of the Options Industry Council (OIC), conducting option seminars and presenting online webinars to all segments of the investing community.