October 17 - 19, 2024|Orlando, Florida
Questions? Call: 1-800-970-4355

Mark Tepper's Schedule

Strategic Wealth Partners
Three Hottest Investment Themes Impacting Your Portfolio
Saturday, October 19, 2024, 8:00 am - 8:20 am

Being in the right place at the right time makes a world of difference when it comes to investing. Mark Tepper breaks down three game-changing investment themes and delivers actionable ideas on the best ways to profit. 

Parting Tips and Picks for 2025
Saturday, October 19, 2024, 9:15 am - 9:35 am

In this FINAL panel at the 2024 Orlando conference, host Charles Payne and his distinguished panel of experts will share their parting tips and picks for the coming year. Attendees will walk away with top stock, sector, and ETF plays and strategies they can put to work when they get home—just one of which could cover the cost of attending the entire event. You’ll also have the chance to get any last-minute questions answered before we adjourn. 

Register Now to meet me and other top money experts IN PERSON in Orlando, Florida!

Top 5 Benefits of Attending The MoneyShow

  1. Talk to Top Money Experts Up Close and in Person
  2. Discover New Investment Opportunities
  3. Get Live Market Analysis, Research Reports, & Hands-on Demos
  4. Network with Other Savvy Investors
  5. Win Daily Cash Prizes, Shares of Stock, & Swag

Mark Tepper's Profile

There's nothing Strategic Wealth Partners CEO Mark Tepper loves more in this world than winning. What constitutes a win? Successfully developing financial strategies for clients that get results. Since founding SWP in 2008, he put his competitive nature and years of experience to work, putting points on the board for clients looking for sophisticated and comprehensive wealth-management solutions. Mr. Tepper works with a broad spectrum of high-net-worth individuals, from business owners to professional athletes, and crafts strategies tailored to their specific goals. As much as he loves winning, he also enjoys educating others on how they can take charge of their financial futures. Mr. Tepper is an especially effective communicator whose expertise is sought by cable news networks, along with both national and local publications. You might recognize him from his frequent appearances on CNBC and Fox Business as a financial contributor sharing insights gleaned from his over 20 years in finance. Along with his eBook Tilting the Odds, Mr. Tepper has also authored two Amazon bestsellers, Walk Away Wealthy - The Entrepreneur's Exit-Planning Playbook, and Exceptional Wealth. Additionally, Mark's an NFLPA Registered Player Financial Advisor.